

Automotive industry

Lede Automotive Electronic Components Waterproof and Breathable Products can ensure that sensitive automotive electronic components are not affected by stubborn pollutants in the engine compartment, thereby extending the service life of their seals and casings, and reducing design, manufacturing, and assembly costs.

Gasoline powered, hybrid, and electric vehicles are adopting increasingly sophisticated electronic control units, sensors, and engines to improve vehicle safety, convenience, and fuel economy. However, to ensure the stable performance of these components, it is required that the electronic components of the car must be able to withstand pressure differences and severe temperature fluctuations

24-hour service hotline: 13502291950

Phone: 0752-2601855

Fax: 0752-2601865


Address: No. 3-1 Xinpeng Road, Xinle Industrial Zone, Ma'an Town, Huizhou City

Copyright ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Huizhou Lede Electronic Technology Co., Ltd 粤ICP备15115233号  http://:www.hzlede.com 

E-mail:allen_wu@kataitech.com    后台管理

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    • 13502291950
    • 0752-2601855
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