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Application in the storage tank and container industry

  • Product Description

Independently developed and innovatively integrated technology products. Expanded and stretched ePTFE filled nanoporous silicon, organically combined with ePTFE, possesses the electrical insulation properties, stable physical properties, and thermal insulation properties of nanoporous silicon. Lightweight, adaptable, and easily integrated, it can be used in conjunction with other thermal management systems to achieve performance optimization. It has great application value in the thermal management system of high-power, lightweight and micro 5G antennas and other mobile devices, and is an ideal new type of insulation material.

24-hour service hotline: 13502291950

Phone: 0752-2601855

Fax: 0752-2601865

Address: No. 3-1 Xinpeng Road, Xinle Industrial Zone, Ma'an Town, Huizhou City

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    • 13502291950
    • 0752-2601855
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